Khaled El-Kurdi — also known by his alias Kal Kurdi — is a content creator and laser consultant. He has amassed over 23,000 followers on the popular sharing platform, TikTok. He claims the aim of his content is to “empower, educate and guide those who wish to learn” about laser technology.
LASER is an acronym, which stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.”
In an interview with Vancouver Is Awesome, El-Kurdi described the difference between two common types of laser and their uses.
A direct current (DC) carbon dioxide (CO2) laser stimulates gas in a glass tube to create an infrared beam. This laser can be used for cutting or engraving natural materials such as wood and fabrics, he said.
He also described fibre lasers, which channel a beam of light through a fibre optic cable. These can be used to cut metals and polymer plastics. A fibre laser can be used on plastics, which you cannot engrave with a CO2 laser because they would release a toxic gas.
If you want to learn more about lasers, check out El-Kurdi’s TikTok channel or website.